Hello World!
Welcome to my blog! It is embarrassing that I didn't have a personal website as a 4th-year computer science student. Now that, finally, I have some free time after my exams and completing my dissertation (another to come next year...), I am determined to create my personal website that allows me to talk, document and share anything that interests me.
There are a few goals with this project:
- With little knowledge with CSS and modern website creation (shocking, I know), I need to at least learn the basic of it so that I can demonstrate that I actually like my tech.
- I am always keen to learn more about programming and data technologies. But, like learning anything new, it is easy to get lost and abandon a project 5 minutes into it. Hopefully, this blog will motivate me to completing a project (like this website), sharing my interests and university work.
- It's just cool to have your own personal space online!
As time goes by, more will be added to this website - functionality, content and more.
For the geeks out there, you might want to find out how this website is created/ generated. For others, you might want to find out more about me professionally.
That's it for now. Talk soon.